Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Blizzard of '78 -- 30 years later

It was hard for me to imagine that it had actually been 30 years when I heard it yesterday. In January and February 1978, a series of three storms hit the United States Midwest or the Northeast. These storms were some of the most severe winter events to occur in recent history, and collectively are known as the Blizzard of 1978.
I live in Indiana but I found this report from Ohio that sheds further light if you are interested. It is another or those things that I will always remember where I was when it happened or I heard about it (that will make a great post in the near future!). I remember that we had to shovel our way to the garage so we could got to the freezer. This left mountainous drifts that I could jump off of the roof of the house and the TV tower into. I remember that people who had snowmobiles were heroes. They went door to door to check on people and then made lists and got necessities from the stores. They did not ask for and usually would not even take money. They felt that it was what being a part of the neighborhood and community included. Where has that gone? Anyway,here are a few photos I found on the web that kind of show what happened...
Yes, those are State Highways and Interstates

Your car is ready sir...

I'm pretty sure most families have a few photos around like these as well.

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