Tuesday, April 24, 2007

It's OK to ask God what He's up to!

If you are like me you often have that question amidst life's daily grind. We struggle to see how He could possibly be working things out for the good of those who love Him. Why does He continue to allow those who are in the wrong to prevail? Why are lives cut short? Why does that dream I have of great service to the Kingdom never seem to get off the ground? What is that next element of discipleship that He wants me to take ownership of? This post is not an answer to these questions. It is just to say that it is alright to ask. We may not get an answer we like or never an answer; but it's OK to question things. Salvation Army Capt. Andrew Clark from England posted about this on his blog. This is what he said:

We need to ask the question, Holy Spirit, what are you saying, what are you doing. All the time, this is intimacy. We want to be asking between 3 and 5 times a day. Quieten ourselves on this inside...we'll hear. This will take discipline. We're self-absorbed...we must slow that storm down to hear the still small voice. To slow ourselves down to hear the Lord is a pain, we don't want to do it. That's why he has to tell us to desire spiritual gifts in the context of 1 Cor 14...its about taking the time to love the Lord. To cultivate that relationship of intimacy. When is the last time you asked the Holy Spirit 5 times in day what he is saying or doing? We need to have a lifestyle that asks that question.

God is doing some really cool things in my world right now. There are also some things that have me scratching my noggin. I am thankful that I can freely ask for understanding. And with that, boldly act as I walk in step with Him.

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