Tuesday, April 10, 2007

FPU Week 9 -- Caveat Emptor

The Buyer Beware lesson is powerful. Once you realize how things are marketed to you and the mental and physiological responses you have to these presentations, you are empowered to make better consumer choices. Taking away "impulse"purchases is a sure way to help you win financially.

I am proud to see that our group is "getting it". The concepts are hitiing their mark and every week stories are shared of how the tools are being applied to their families' lives. Fininacial freedom allows us to make decisions in the light if what we know we should do rather than always fighting the little financial fires that pop up around us.

4 lessons left in this class, I;m hopeful to offer the course in the fall or winter small group semester again. More finaincially free families in the church = a much healthier body!!!

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