Time to get caught up on my books for 2007. My overall reading has not slowed but has diversified greatly. Apart from some articles and such I have been in a terrible form of reading a good portion of a book, starting another, reading some more, and not quite finishing. I'm not sure what the current count of "in progress" books is but I
definitely need to institute a no new books rule until I finish a few of these. Anyway, on to the book at hand.
picked up
Wrestling Tough because I love the sport and had not read a good book on it in a long time. I also enjoy the mental part of sports. This is the area that I feel separates the good from the great athletes. No sport
requires as much mental toughness as wrestling.
The pleasant surprise that I found in this
book is that it is not only a great book for wrestlers, coaches, or parents of wrestlers. The concepts within can be translated to all sports and arenas of life. The authors draw example from many great athletes, nit exclusively wrestlers. This is a must have book if you are a wrestler, coach, or wrestling parent. It is a book you should look into if you want some ideas on mental and physical
toughness to get through life.
Definitely well worth the time to read. BONUS: It's an easy to read book!